Mexican Food in Missouri

I always lobby to go to strip-mall Mexican food on the weekend, especially after a nice hike like we had today along the mighty Mississippi River. This time my wife described her double bean burrito lunch special (lathered in white Velveeta) with one word: “Disgusting”. I’m sure she was comparing it to Taco Time — man I’d love it if they opened even one restaurant in Missouri!

RIP Cord Box, we’ll never forget you

I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya, but it’s been a rough winter for the home team — very very cold and I think I cycled through all three of the bad flu strains sequentially. Finally feeling healthy again, it’s getting warmer, things are looking up!

Today I decided to get rid of the Cord Box, a source of consternation for my long-suffering wife. It’s a box of cords, but when you pick it up it comes out as one giant tangled ball like the Christmas lights in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.


This ball contained many useful things — like the logic board for a long-discarded TV, every type of USB cord imaginable except those with connector types that are currently in use, ethernet crossover cables, 128 megabyte USB sticks by the score, many many types of VGA converters, dozens of free headphones that I got on planes, and chargers for long-broken electronics.

So long Cord Box, you will be missed. I just know tomorrow I’ll have some pressing need for a 9-foot USB type B to UC-E6 cable, and all will be lost.