Bunny Separation Anxiety

Originally uploaded by noctambulator

While we were gone enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday, the bunny decided to go ballistic and somehow jumped out of her 4-foot tall cage and ended up behind the couch. Our neighbors spent an hour looking for her, possibly thinking a local red-tailed hawk had enjoyed her in lieu of turkey. Since we returned she follows me around the house, never more than twelve inches from my heel. Maybe since she was abandoned about this time two years ago, she’s having Bunny Separation Anxiety.

In other anthropomorphic animal news, we saw Fantastic Mr. Fox and it was, as predicted, totally awesome.


I need chemistry help again. Where can I find a resource that can tell me the enthalpy of vaporization of organic molecules at like 10-30 Kelvin. I can only find some values for room temperature. Nothing interesting ever happens at room temperature.

persimmon withdrawl

The persimmon crop is ripening slowly. We’ve been averaging about two a day. They have to be squishy like plastic bags filled with jelly, else when you eat them you get attacked by the Tannin Monster. I like a little bit of tannin, gives you a pinch and let’s you know the fruit’s in charge. Now, unfortunately, we’re in a local minimum and I haven’t had any for two days. Today on my run I passed a persimmon tree laden with big beautiful ripe fruits, losing its leaves, and I picked a particularly large one. I was like three miles from home and had to run the whole way back carrying a softball-sized orange fruit. I will go back tomorrow.

Some drama about this guy tagging White Sharks — he tagged two sharks off the Farallons and good ol’ Bay Area people got angry. I think he’s doing this 20% for scientific purposes and 80% for self-publicity. It’s quite a spectacle, mostly sad though, to see a 17-foot, 4600-lb shark on the wooden dock with people all around. Maybe the data he gets is really good, but there aren’t many of the huge sharks left and even if he killed one it would be a terrible tragedy. On the news they said that one of the two sharks he tagged in the Farallons immediately swam 500 miles (two weeks) in a straight line, getting the hell away from probably his favorite feeding spot. Sad.


Jackson Christopher was born last night at 10:52pm. He’s a happy baby and I get to meet him in a week! He weighs about as much as my pet rabbit. (The rabbit is fat). Now that I’m an uncle I gotta clean up my act!