Hawaiian Adventures

I point my loyal reader(s) to here (fixed link?) for a (hopefully continues-to-be-updated!) account of machine-art’s exciting visit to the Islands of Oahu, and also he has the camera that I want to get. Bastard.

machine-art should know that we returned to Kailua Bay the following weekend, but no sighting of the mermaid, however I don’t really know what she looks like, probably like this?

bunny bananas

Yesterday the bunny jumped onto the couch, climbed up to the top, then stepped onto the kitchen counter and ate a banana out of our fruit stand. Possibly several. I found chewed pieces of banana which gave her away. BAD BUNNY!


We went to the Honolulu Zoo on Sunday and it was so awesome we splurged the $30 for year admission for two adults and up to six (6!) kids and maybe one (1!) rabbit. They had black AND white rhinos, how about that? I also decided I’d like to raise ostriches (plural). I’m assuming you can ride them around like you would a horse. My samples at work keep blowing up, so now I do math full time.

Pictures from our first real hike on Oahu

here you go

Yum lots of strawberry guavas, 3 gallons of which I lugged back to the car in my backpack. Then Jack Lallane mutilated some of them (with much sound and fury), producing a pink nectar of the gods. Delicious. Even besides the guavas, hike was awesome. We got to snorkel at Shark’s Cove on the North Shore, we’re counting down the days until that part of the island is beset by mammoth monster waves.

We got to see the three at the Bishop Museum, amazing!