Double T

This morning was the third and final double Tantalus run before the marathon. One loop is 10 miles and 1375 feet of elevation. Last week was windy and rainy, and most importantly cool, so it was a great run. This morning was a little warmer and I wasn’t as well-rested but it still went pretty well. At the top of the hill the second time I feel like I don’t have one more step of effort left. Hopefully Double T will stand me in good stead for the ‘thon in three weeks.

I saw this on the internet



I asked my wife a question and she had to stop what she was doing and walk over so she could hear. Then she became somewhat annoyed and said “I thought you were asking a real question, not a junk question”. So apparently I ask junk questions? This time, I was inquiring about something I thought was very important and timely — Have you ever seen “Uncle Buck”?