SF ‘thon

Watched THE BEAST place a very respectable 4th at the SF Marathon on Sunday. When we saw him at 17 he was in 2nd and looking good, but I guess the last five miles were tough and the two dudes behind him went by. TO & I ran over the GG Bridge at like five in the morning. It was super. Then we ate a delicious breakfast (blueberry pancakes!) in Sausalito. Then I watched Harry Potter and the HBP. What a day.

Grip it and Rip it

Looks like Beyonce and I will be heading to the Old Continent (is that right?) in late September. I’ll be attending a sweet conference in Berlin then we plan on doing the Tour du Mount Blanc which is apparently one of the ten best. It’s 100 miles, we’ll do it in 5-7 days because we GRIP IT AND RIP IT and because we’ll be staying in huts and won’t have to carry lots of stuff. Then we’ll summit Mount Blanc which, if my calculations are correct, is one of the seven summits. Then only five to go (after Kili).


We sold our first copy of State Spin to a European–probably some sophisticated Frenchman, eager to learn about this great nation he keeps hearing about on the news.

Cypress Innovations: “We enrich lives.”

Oh no

This news will greatly sadden 14-year-old boys all over the nation. If only it could fly in the rain. What are they going to cut next? The Lamborghini Countach? The Imperial Walker?


We got "engagement pictures" this weekend and the most important thing I learned on this excursion was there’s such thing as "engagement pictures". I thought we’d have to reenact our engagement, including the part where I yell at my soon-to-be beyonce to run with full pack across wet rocks from the angry incoming tide. But instead we sat on the grass and stood in doorways. Our photographer works at a kids animal museum, complete with tarantulas, macaws, tortoises, and pythons (reticulated, burmese and even two CARPETS but not nearly as pretty as my boy). Also we picked 81 cups of blackberries.

I have a trip to Deutschland in September for a conference; a suffix to which is tentatively entitled: "Honeymoon: The Revenge" and will tentatively feature an ascent of T H E M A T T E R H O R N, this one without the bobsleds and Abominable, but featuring really far drops with really hard landings.

The Eagle has landed (+40).

From LRO (2009):