memorial day

Roomate and I did a nice hike on Memorial Day (pictures here. Lots of good wildflowers plus we saw a sweet rattlesnake. The day before, machine_art visited and we showed him the highlights of Berkeley: self-congratulatory hippies, flowers, and trains.

I’ve been trying to bike fast to work, but I get here really sweaty. It’s 1039 ft. of climbing, a lot for me and my lack of biking skillz.

B 2 B

I ran Bay to Breakers this morning. As I suspected, I had absolutely no-go in my legs and ran easy but it was still fun. Sammy Kitwara won (I think I saw him warming up (he’s skinny)), running 4:30 pace on that hilly course in the oppressive heat. The Beast and my fiance felt about as good as I did, and were also treated to the spectacle of many many naked fat men jogging the course. Looks like I finished 100th overall so that’s pretty cool. Dan and I both ran slower than our marathon PR pace. The hardest part was running back to Dan’s apt. near the start, 6+ miles away and it was already over 80 degrees. But then we got a nice Whole Foods sandwich for lunch.

tuesday dinner

Beyonce and I went to scout a wedding location in my running park. They had free food. Delicious free food too. They have an open house every Tuesday evening. Hello free-Tuesday-dinner-every-week, nice to meet you.